Full-Cycle Game Development on The Goombles

The Magic Media team was delighted to offer full-cycle game development services, game trailer services, and more to the delightful confectionery-themed tower defense game, The Goombles. It was a pleasure to collaborate with our client on this project and shape the distinct and vibrant world of The Goombles .

Magic Media’s work on The Goombles consisted of an expert multidisciplinary team to deliver the best possible full-cycle game development services and video production services for the game’s marketing material. This was a fantastic creative collaboration that saw Magic Media work as one well-oiled machine to deliver our work in an efficient and timely manner.

Full-Cycle Game Development Services for The Goombles

As part of our work on The Goombles, we offered full-cycle game development services to deliver the mobile game on web browsers, mobile devices, and PCs. Our team covered all aspects of the game’s development, including initial conceptualization, game mechanics design, programming, testing, and everything else involved in the full-cycle game development process. We worked closely with our client to clearly understand their vision for The Goombles, and based on this, we created an in-depth design document to map the entire process of creating a visually engaging tower defense game in Unity.

We also provided extensive video production services to support The Goombles’ soft launch with an array of marketing materials. We developed a marketing strategy with our client that would support the game for two to three months, designed to build hype within The Goombles community. As part of this marketing plan, we created a main game trailer, three user acquisition videos, and a series of cinemagraphs and banners. We also leveraged the main game trailer and cut it into two separate, shorter trailers.

The Goombles Team and Timeline

Our overall involvement with The Goombles project lasted for roughly six months, with the majority of that time dedicated to delivering full-cycle game development services. The six-month timeline was meticulously planned from the beginning so that we could complete our work in the most efficient way possible. The initial months saw us seeking to completely understand our client’s vision and lay down foundational work including detailed design documentation, prototype development, and nailing down the game’s overall direction. After this phase, we entered the nitty gritty work of programming the game, refining the game’s visual elements, and ensuring our user interface was intuitive.

The latter part of this six-month timeline was dedicated to testing and quality assurance. Not only did we dedicate a large portion of our resources to resolving as many bugs as possible, but we also optimized The Goombles for the best possible performance across all platforms. In the final weeks, we focused our efforts on polishing the game, including final rounds of testing and adding any last-minute enhancements.

Our timeline for providing video production services was roughly six weeks. This process began when the game was already in production, which offered us the distinct advantage of using in-game assets to help produce marketing material. Though we had to create some new environments for video content and edit existing material for use in the trailers and advertisements, this helped us work efficiently within the six-week timeline.

The Magic Media team providing full-cycle game development services and video production services consisted of over 20 individuals representing distinct disciplines in game development, art, video production, and much more. This included 2D and 3D artists and designers, developers, Unity developers, sound designers, and much more. In addition to our primary services, we developed the UI and UX of The Goombles’ landing page over one week.

Client Collaboration, Communication, and Creativity

Early in the process, we established our communication pipelines to ensure clarity and frequency of communication. We used Slack daily to communicate any questions, consult, and share materials. Weekly, we engaged in calls with our client. At the beginning of the process, these calls consisted of understanding our client’s visions and presenting potential creative directions for the project. For our marketing video production services specifically, we also used email to provide weekly project updates.

We were extremely fortunate that our client was very involved in the process from the beginning and had a vested interest in making The Goombles the best game it could be. Our client demonstrated an exceptionally clear understanding of what he wanted at every stage of the project’s lifecycle while remaining open and receptive to our suggestions. The whole process became a truly collaborative process that allowed us to work towards specific requirements while simultaneously providing an ample amount of our creative input.

We couldn’t be more proud of the exceptional levels of proactivity and communication the Magic Media team displayed while working on this project, and the productive working environment that was borne as a result of tight collaboration with our client and clear organization at the beginning of our work on The Goombles.

Magic Media is an experienced provider of expert services for the gaming, entertainment, and tech industries. Included in our extensive service offerings are full-cycle game development , game VFX , game trailer production , and much more. Reach out today, and let’s create magic!

let’s Create MAgic

At Magic Media, our strength lies in our size and diversity, allowing us to offer gaming services including full-cycle game development, co-development, video production, trailers, and comprehensive artistic services. Whether you’re in need of innovative technology or a team driven by creativity, we are prepared to put our skills and knowledge into your project.