Cross-Platform Game Development and Mobile Projects

Mobile game development continues to evolve in the modern gaming industry, with mobile platforms becoming increasingly attractive to developers for their increasing power, cloud streaming solutions, and portability. Mobile games have progressed significantly from their humble origins as simple puzzle games to viable platforms that can run classics and AAA games.

Many developers choose to include mobile as part of cross-platform game development projects, where games are created to be released on multiple different platforms. Though game porting projects are still viable, choosing to develop your game for mobile at the same time as other platforms can be beneficial.

Cross-Platform Game Development Instead of Porting

Choosing to do a game porting project at a later time can be a time-consuming process. Though engaging in cross-platform game development can extend the overall game development cycle, This saves time in the long term. While the game is being actively created, it makes sense to develop it with mobile in mind rather than revisiting it later and needing to refamiliarize with its code and assets before even considering the work required to adapt it for mobile devices.

Cross-platform game development including mobile platforms is also beneficial for the greater sense of community and inclusion surrounding a game’s release. Mobile releases often come later than console and PC launches, so simultaneously releasing all versions of a game, including mobile, can help improve the sense of community, especially for mobile gamers. A later release date risks diluting the potential reach to mobile gamers and dividing the community.

Mobile as part of cross-platform game development projects is a wise investment. Some people with busy personal lives or other commitments prefer to use mobile because it facilitates quick play sessions and advantageous portability. Allowing a game to be accessible on mobile from day one maximizes its reach and potential revenue.

Mobile-Specific Considerations

Cross-platform game development projects including mobile are subject to the same considerations as any mobile game development process. Mobile devices are simply not as powerful as consoles and PCs, meaning that development studios will almost always need to downgrade visual fidelity for the mobile version. In some circumstances, where the game is accessible to players through cloud streaming solutions, this isn’t the case. Without downgrading the visuals for a game’s mobile version, developers risk significant performance issues that could render the game unplayable and harm the studio’s reputation.

Further adjustments are required for mobile games, most notably input methods. Consoles and PCs use controllers and keyboard and mouse setups, whereas mobile devices primarily use their native touchscreens. This necessitates adjusting UI elements, screen resolution, and screen usage to refine touchscreen controls and ensure a comfortable experience for players.

Cross-Platform Game Development is Efficient

Engaging in cross-platform game development as one development cycle saves time as opposed to game porting projects, where subsequent development cycles are required further down the line to launch games on different platforms. This proves to be a cost-effective method of getting your game on mobile and other platforms without dramatically increasing the workload or financial resources required.

Cross-platform game development projects can also be highly beneficial for your game’s marketing efforts. Simultaneously releasing on multiple platforms means that one cohesive marketing strategy for all platforms can be devised. Promoting each game version concurrently means saving resources in the long term, rather than crafting many separate marketing plans for releases at different times.

Magic Media is your one-stop solution for your game development projects on all platforms, in addition to services for the entertainment and tech industries. Whether you need full-cycle game development services, game porting, or the dozens of others we offer, contact us today, and let’s create magic!

let’s Create MAgic

At Magic Media, our strength lies in our size and diversity, allowing us to offer gaming services including full-cycle game development, co-development, video production, trailers, and comprehensive artistic services. Whether you’re in need of innovative technology or a team driven by creativity, we are prepared to put our skills and knowledge into your project.