Our Service

Cloud-based Load Testing

Our seasoned professionals excel in providing top-notch art direction services, aligning the visual style and direction of your game perfectly with your vision. From creative concepts to sketches and detailed renderings, our artists bring your ideas to life with captivating 2D and 3D game art, setting the foundation for your game’s aesthetics.

Seamless Networking Services Integration

Whether you’re using an out-of-the-box networking service like Unreal Engine or Unity, or a custom service, our tool can handle it. For any existing, commonly used service, we offer immediate integration. For any custom service, in a short turnaround we can have it operating seamlessly with your network service. 

We Offer

We offer the best work on the current platforms, tech and engines

Peak Testing

Peak testing simulates a high user load during your expected rush periods. For gaming, this is the period about an hour after normal working hours or when new content drops. For accountancy platforms, it’s the end of the month. How does your system handle these high-traffic moments and does it scale up and down effectively?

Soak Testing

Soak testing is excellent for MMO games or any application that has a constant, sustained usage over long periods of time. Over 12 to 24 hours, this is the longest load test by far. Many systems might handle large user loads fine but show inexplicable breakage in these marathon style tests. With soak testing, you’ll know before any real-world issues occur.

Spike Testing

Spike testing is all about your system’s short-term limits. We rapidly scale up the user load, an abrupt surge of user volume and see how your platform or game handles intense spikes of user load and activity. Again, your system might handle high user loads. But can it handle a thousand users logging in at the same moment?

Peak Testing

Peak testing simulates a high user load during your expected rush periods. For gaming, this is the period about an hour after normal working hours or when new content drops. For accountancy platforms, it’s the end of the month. How does your system handle these high-traffic moments and does it scale up and down effectively?

your TESTING Team

We offer the best work on the current platforms, tech and engines

Performance Test Engineer

These engineers would design, build, and execute your load tests. They would also be responsible for analyzing the results and identifying any problems or performance issues. From there, they would assist in writing up potential solutions for you to explore.

QA Engineer

As with all Magic Media services, QA engineers would be implementing checks and tests to ensure that your software meets all requirements and operates smoothly. They might also assist in designing test cases and scenarios for realistic user usage.

Team Lead

 Overseeing the process and ensuring a high level of quality on final delivery, our team leads are experts in their respective fields. Keeping an eye on the big picture and keeping an open line of communication between the team and the senior staff and client, they guarantee the high quality that we demand.

Let us help you

An efficient and scalable system, load tested against all manner of user interactions, mean a positive user experience and no loss of user confidence or revenue on your end. Without proper load testing, you will encounter system load issues, repeated crashing, and outright failure of the application or game to function for most users. 

Our engineers look at several criteria which are defined based on your performance goals and the type of applications. These include response time, throughput, error rate, resource utilization, and concurrency. 

The most common issues our load testing engineers encounter are performance bottlenecks and scalability issues. These effectively mean the areas in which the application slows down under high load like database queries or unoptimized code and issues with the application scaling up or down to handle the user load respectively. We also see resource limitations where there are insufficient resources such as CPU or memory to handle to load.

let’s Create MAgic

At Magic Media, our strength lies in our size and diversity, allowing us to offer gaming services including full-cycle game development, co-development, video production, trailers, and comprehensive artistic services. Whether you’re in need of innovative technology or a team driven by creativity, we are prepared to put our skills and knowledge into your project.